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Online Classes in English take place on Fridays


 Hatha for 90minutes @ 10am with Zoom



If you would like to join, please get in touch and I'll send you the Zoom code.


Please log on ten minutes before the class begins so that you have time to make sure your sound and video works and to say a little hello. If you have any health conditions please send me a little message before class so that I'm aware. Please listen to your body and adapt the practice to suit you. Please be prepared with blankets, a cushion and a strap (if you don't have a strap a long sock will do.)



If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.












Anna Lescourret
call: 07 82 18 17 14

Près de Navarrenx, je donne des cours hebdomadaires à Monein et Lay Lamidou et aussi sur Zoom à des clients de Pau et d'ailleurs. Pour les cours particulars, je suis capable de parcourir jusqu'à 30km.


Based close to Navarrenx, I give weekly classes in Monein, Lay Lamidou and on Zoom to clients from Pau and beyond.

For one to ones, I am able to travel up to 30km and I also offer one to one sessions online.


Vous pouvez retrouver mes cours collectifs et ateliers sur :


You can find my group classes and workshops at:


Ferme de Candeloup, Chemin Augas, 64360 Monein


Salles des fêtes, 64190, Lay Lamidou





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